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Savage White 2023 750ml


Savage White is a blend of grapes sourced from three vineyard sites, each with a unique combination of sandstone and granite soils. The vineyards, planted at elevations ranging from 213 to 677 meters, feature both trellised and bush vine systems.

This classic Savage White showcases a delightful array of flavors, including blackcurrant leaf, pineapple, pear, and grapefruit, complemented by subtle wood spice. Despite the cooler vintage, the wine exhibits a pleasing texture thanks to 100% malolactic fermentation. The palate is characterized by its tension, salinity, and impressive length. This wine is poised to continue developing and rewarding drinkers for the next decade.

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SIZE: 750ml | ALC: 13.7% | RS: 1.9 g/l | pH: 3.37 | TA: 5.9 g/l | ORIGIN: Western Cape | BLEND: 76% Sauvignon blanc, 24% Semillon


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